I've been into a health kick lately, I'm trying to lose weight the right way. I watched a documentary titled Hungry for Change, I thought it was a great film and I recommend it. It really talks about what you put into your body and how you treat your body. I know that people try everything to lose weight; diets, pills, other insane things. In the long run all of those things are only hurting you not helping you. It's not about the fastest method or the easiest method, its about the right method. Everyone wants an easy solution, but improving your life takes work. If you want to lose weight and feel better about yourself it has to start with you and what you put into your body, not just that but what you shouldn't be putting into your body. For thousands of years people have been living off the land, eating what naturally grows there. If you want to get healthy that's where you need to start; fresh produce, chemical free meats, staying away from refined sugars and high fructose corn syrup and for heavens sake staying far away from aspartame (which is present in most artificial sweeteners in diet products) and MSG. Water is one of the best things on earth and the more you drink the better you'll feel. And it's not just what you put into your body, but what you do to your body. Sleep, is always good and getting eight hours is really important to a healthy body. More than that is not stressing over it all, stress weighs on the body and effects your immune system which in turn effects your health. Meditation and yoga are awesome for relieving stress, but if your like most people life is just to busy; so taking time to be by yourself and listening to music, watching a movie, or taking a long hot shower are all really good ways to destress. Or there is always my favorite which is taking a hot 20 minute bath, which is also really good for detoxifying. Detox is also important in a healthy body; you can detox by drinking green or dandelion root tea, juicing with fruits and vegetables (parsley and cilantro are really good detoxifiers), and of course cranberry juice. Then there is exercise, that one is pretty important too, because you can do everything else right but without losing calories you can't lose fat. All of that aside there is one other thing that is really important and this one took me a long time to come to terms with, you have to accept yourself love yourself. In the Hungry for change documentary they talked about something that I think really resonates, you need to look at yourself in the mirror and say "I love myself unconditionally right now." It is one thing to want to change your health, but losing weight won't change the way you feel about yourself, you have to do that all on your own. You have to encourage yourself and not get down when things don't happen immediately, changing your life takes time.
If you want check out Hungry for Change's Facebook page, here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/hungryforchangefilm