Monday, October 27, 2014

Visual Perception

I was thinking today about how we perceive others visually, simply I was thinking about the old saying "Don't judge a book by its cover." In most cases I think that this saying holds weight, to quickly people judge a person based on their appearance. Speaking from experience, I know what its like to be judged based on the way you look. People look at me and see a simple weak naive innocent girl, but trust me I am so much more than that. In truth we have all done it, it is natural for us to judge others based on the way they look. What we see is the first way in which we perceive an individual, even before they speak or act. For example the town I grew up in has a biker rally every year, thousands of bikers come from all over. When you see them at the bar or driving their bike around town you see a biker with tattoos and wearing leather. What you don't see are who they really are; most of them are doctors, lawyers, and other honorable members of society. The way a person looks or the way they dress doesn't always display the person they are, sometimes is does, but not always. How different would the world be if we saw people for what they truly were as opposed to what they look like? Could you just imagine, seeing people for who they really are? Would you want to? Would you want people to see you for who you really are? I think these questions are pretty important to keep in mind the next time you judge someone based on how you visually perceive them.

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